Growing popularity of an active leisure led to development of a new trend that clearly wins worldwide recognition. This is about sport and active tourism. Today sport and physical activities are gaining popularity as an important way of spending vacations and holidays. We have been also influenced by this fashion, and became a part of the community. Running, swimming, biking make us happy. We do understand needs and expectations of athletes, so it is much easier for us to prepare a special offer for people with similar interests.
SIRVIS Apartments is specializing in an active tourism. Do you like to spend time actively? Come to us and you will not be bored. You’ll find exactly what you need: a beautiful lake, trails for biking, walking, cross-country skiing, everything set in natural scenery. Our location near the Sudovia’s tourist attractions gives perfectly fresh air and guarantee of unforgettable experience.
SWIMMING: Undoubtedly, our top attraction is the crystal-clear Serwy Lake. Its size, clear water, and silence guarantee excellent swimming training in the period from May till September. You might also train in a nearby swimming pool – 25 m pool in Augustow (just 20 min from SIRVIS Apartments), with the possibility of renting a track or tracks on exclusive basis. We invite you to swimming camps and workshops organized in cooperation with the Warsaw Masters Team.
BIKING: Countless kilometers of picturesque bicycle routes for practicing road and MTB cycling. Northern Sudovia Region is also a great area for strength training. Several of our “mountain passes” have surprised many cyclists here. If weather stops you from outdoor training, we have TACX FLUX 2 Smart trainer, ELITE rollers, or a spinning bike from STAR TRAC. We invite you to join our cycling trainings and camps.
RUNNING: Exactly like in case of bicycle routes, you can say “sky is the limit”. Gravel and asphalt routes, forest paths, picturesque landscapes around Lake Serwy, Augustow Forest, Augustow Channel and much, much more. For interval training we invite you to the nearby tartan treadmill (5 km from SIRVIS Apartments). When the weather is bad, we have a fitness room with the Life Fitness 95T Inspire treadmill. We invite you to our running camps and workshops organized jointly with Grazia Running.
SIRVIS SPORT ACADEMY offers also meetings with interesting people from the world of sport, athletes and trainers. It is an excellent opportunity for discussions, exchange of opinions and experiences.